Just think about it. If a "christian" sees someone in Africa worshiping some stone statue, they think that they are crazy and nuts. "How can anyone believe that that stone figure is a "god"? MY god is the ONLY god!"
Yet, "christians" believe every word in a book, written in Elizabethan times by a bunch of men who viewed women as property and did not translate the "scriptures" properly because they mistook words in Hebrew to mean something else, and just made up the majority of the bible. "Christians" believe a book and pray to some magical wizard in the sky when there is absolutely no concrete proof of anything that is written in the bible.
Yes, there were Romans, Egyptians, and Jews, so that part is true that these races and religions existed, but the rest? Do you really believe that Noah really built an ark to house the millions of species in the world? Even if he could, he was at sea for a year. The size of the ark couldn't possibly hold every animal along with the food that they would need.
Plus, where are the dinosaurs? Anyone? Anyone?
What about Lot? He was a "righteous man", yet he got drunk and his daughters fucked him to preserve his "seed". So, incest is OK here, but not OK in the rest of the bible?
I am not saying at all that incest is OK, but you can't follow some magical book that says black is white in one part and white is black in another.
Of do you cherry-pick only the parts of the bible that you want to believe and dismiss the rest as fiction? If you belong to any organized religion, then yes, you cherry-pick what you want to believe and dismiss what you don't want to belive. Specifically "Assembly of God" Pentecostal churches. I belonged to one when I was a teenager, so I know that I was part of a cult back then. They believed that the way that they viewed "god" was the only way, and anyone else (Catholics, Lutherans, Muslims, Buddhists, etc...), were ALL going to hell because they weren't "speaking in tongues", or they were praying to Mary and not just Jesus, or that they were praying to Mohammed and Allah. Let me give you religious fanatic morons a really brief explanation... Muslims believe in the same god that christians do. They believe that Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus, etc... were prophets. They just believe that Mohammed was another prophet after Jesus. Why is that so hard to understand?
Let me tell you, I have been treated with more compassion and understanding from a Muslim than ANY person from any Assembly of God "christian". They are just plain mean and nasty, and they don't realize that they will be the ones rotting in hell. You are judged by your actions, not by your faith only, so you ASS of GOD people need to get your act together and realize that you are preaching nothing but hate and prejudice.
Damn, this is some good stuff! I didn't realize I had it in me!