People who try to make themselves sound more important than they really are.
For instance, when I told my "father", Ralph Lester, that I was going to be getting a second college degree, he says with a pompous attitude, "Well, I have a college degree!" He does not. He just wanted to try to elevate himself to my intellect.
Or people who think that they are the shit because they have children. Or even because they had twins. Guess what? Unless you are barren, ANY woman can make a baby! You are no better if you have 1, 2, or 8 kids than anyone else. Get over it!
People who say "WARSH" instead of "WASH".
"I am going to Warshington DC." "I am going to warsh my shirt."
How annoying and completely obvious that you are uneducated.
And thanks to my idiot, high school dropout, someone who created children that pollute the gene-pool, who's son picked up a .22, shot my brother in the back of his head and killed him, ex-stepfather, Dave Hietala, when people say "CATSUP" instead of "KETCHUP".
I will let it go if you have a bottle of "catsup", but when you have a bottle of "ketchup", don't ask me if I would like some catsup. I will just say, "No, but can you hand me that bottle of KETCHUP?"
Or when people continuously spell the wrong word after I tell them over and over again that it is wrong.
For instance, take Rick Iverson. I had been friends with this worthless excuse of a human being for over 20 years. He goes to work all drugged up and gets fired (right after he started getting his wages garnished to pay for child support). So, instead of listening to me on how to get his life back on the right track, he kept sending me e-mails saying, "Oh boo-hoo! Poor me! My life turned out so shitty! I am such a LOOSER!"
I kept telling him, "No, you are a LOSER, not a LOOSER." But I kept getting the misspelled word over and over again.
After about 7 years, he FINALLY gets a job (coincidentally, miraculously right after he finds out that they closed his file on child support so they wouldn't garnish his wages again).
He destroyed a camera that I loaned to him. He says, "Hey, it just wore out!" Bullshit. The camera case must have completely disintegrated, because he never gave that back to me. All of the black covering on the camera was totally ripped off. I swear, it looked like he dragged it behind his truck. I would smoke cigars and pipes when I would visit his shack, so I bought a hookah and told him to keep it in his house for when I come up. Well, his son and his roommate took it to smoke some marijuana, and his roommate left and stole it. I said that Rick owed me $35 for that and $15 for the extra smoking tube. Rick said, "Hey, it was stolen! I don't owe you anything!" I told him to keep it safe in his house, yet he let his kid take it, so one of those two owe me for it.
Plus, Rick would always have absolutely nothing when I would visit, so I would have to go to the dollar store to buy soap, coffee filters, toothpaste, you name it, I had to buy it.
One time when we were at Wallmart, he says, "Hey, buy me this DVD player and I will pay you back when I get a job!"
I spent thousands of dollars on this worthless piece of garbage, so since he finally had gotten a job, albeit, one that I have seen people with downs syndrome working at, and I asked him for the money he owes me, what does he say? "What about the $300 antique radio that I gave you and you sold? How about the $50 dollar GI Joe's that I gave you?"
The radio was no antique. It was a big piece of garbage. It didn't work, the wood covering was peeling off, and it was a pain in the ass getting it to look presentable to be able to sell it at a garage sale. As for the GI Joe's... He just writes down some arbitrary number that pops into his loser brain. I don't know where he got this $50 price tag from...
Here's the thing... I never, ever asked him to pay me back for things that I gave him. They were gifts. He can do what he wants with them. I just wanted to be paid for the things that he said he would pay me back for, along with the things that I had loaned him that he destroyed. Yes Rick, you destroyed them. When a camera "wears out", the shutter breaks or something like that. When you return it with everything torn off of it, all of the screws loose and it looks like it was buried in Beruit, it didn't wear out.
He doesn't believe that he should treat other peoples property carefully. You loan him something, he wrecks it, and he doesn't think that he should take responsibility for any of his actions. Typical "everyone feel sorry for me" loser thinking.
How about this... "Hey Rick, what about that love-seat hide-a-bed that my mother GAVE you and in less than a year it was lying in your yard because you destroyed it?" Oh, that's right... It "just wore out"...
Or, "Hey Rick, what about that portable heater that I gave you for christmas and you somehow broke all of the wheels off of it?"
Or, "Hey Rick, how about that DVD/VCR player that I bought you, after you said that you would pay me back for it when you finally got a job, and you left the remote on your stove, melted it, then whined enough so that I would buy you another one?"
Or, "Hey Rick, what about those 100+ 100MB zip-disks that I gave you, along with the slide projector, computer, computer monitor, about 4 keyboards that kept "wearing out", the 3 modems that kept "wearing out", the system software that kept "wearing out", the camera that I lent you that you destroyed but it supposedly just "wore out", the 2 zip drives that kept "wearing out", the chain for your chainsaw, the pizza that I bought every time I came up and slept in your bedbug infested shit-hole..." Do I need to keep going on here?
That's all I have time for right now.
And to all of you that I hate, you brought it on yourselves and you know who you are, go fuck yourselves. If I were to hear that you died in a car crash, I would be very happy. So, hop in that jalopy of yours and take it for a spin. Make me happy!
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