I suppose that I should write, "Any similarities to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental", just so that my "relatives" don't get their panties all in a bunch.
Read on!
I have been told that I am much more compassionate and have a greater sense of right and wrong than most people, especially when it comes to my family.
Take my father for instance...
Ralph Lester, living at 10183 Kirkwood Rd., Meadowlands, MN, retired St. Louis County Deputy Sheriff. Go to http://www.mncriminals.com and search for Ralph Lester, or Ralph Edward Lester. On there, you will see 3 convictions for DUI's. They only go back 15 years, so all of his convictions aren't on there. Like the one where he came home drunk, chased me around his house and hit me with his police flashlight. I called the cops, and they came and arrested him.
Well, he had a pretty cushy job while living in Meadowlands. He would sit in his bathrobe, watch TV, and then there might come a call on his police radio about a loud muffler or something. He would get dressed, go out and make a once around the town, then come back and watch some more TV. When he would go to the county garage to fill up his police car, he would have 2 5-gallon gas cans that he would fill up to use for his motorcycle, lawn mower, car, etc... I know this because I lived with him for awhile until he came home and got arrested.
Let me give you and idea about hustling and bustling life in Meadowlands, MN... In 2009, the population was 106. 97.3% caucasian. Not the great American melting pot here. I believe than the majority of the population lives in a small retirement home in the middle of this one horse town.
So, he was thrown into the drink tank to dry out for 3 days. When he got out, the mayor of Meadowlands thought that with his being arrested, he didn't want him patrolling around Meadowlands anymore. So what happened? Well, he had to go to Hibbing, MN to work and do whatever it is that he managed to do there. He had to drive a whole 34.09 miles to go to work. Now, because of him coming home drunk and being arrested for beating me, according to him, I "ruined his life". Hey, if you think that this was the only time he ever came home drunk and beat me up, you are sorely mistaken. It was just the first time that I stood up to him and made him pay for what he did to me.
Back to http://www.mncriminals.com... on August 7, 1997, I was living in Chicago, IL when I get a call from some official in Duluth, MN telling me that my father was in an accident. So I had to take off for a week from work to go and see my drunken father. It turns out that he was going north in a southbound lane on HWY 53, AND he had a blood alcohol content over .10. .08 is the legal limit in Minnesota. He was charged with Criminal Vehicular Injury - Substantial Bodily Harm, and convicted as a felon.
So, what happens to a felon? They cannot own any firearms. HE told me that he hid them all at my sister's place so that St. Louis County wouldn't take them away from him. The last time I talked with my nephew, who, for some reason, thinks that his grandfather is a god, I asked him if there were any guns in my father's house. He told me that he had a houseful of guns. The last time I saw my father before I told him to fuck off in 2005, he had a houseful of guns. I alerted the St. Louis County Attorney, and she just e-mailed me back saying that I need to contact the sheriff. Blah blah blah... Right... Now, what would happen if the police were going to come to a retired St. Louis County Deputy Sheriff's house to seize his firearms? One of his buddies would give him a heads up, because all cops have to stick together, right? The law doesn't seem to apply to policemen, or at least, not to my father, Ralph Edward Lester.
I am pretty sure that he still may have his passport, allegedly. Felons aren't supposed to have those either as far as I know.
He was always a violent drunk while I was growing up, and this leopard doesn't change his spots. He will never get to see his grandson (mine, not my nephew) because of his violent past, present, and future. I will say that I learned how to be a good father by doing the complete opposite of what my father did to me. I don't drink, I don't lie, I don't steal, I don't come home and beat my wife and defenseless child... What he did, I don't do.
Why is he so drunk, angry, and violent all of the time? There are a couple of theories that I have heard that can lead to a life of being a lying, violent, sociopath felon...
- The Irish Curse: Being a big, macho, drunken tough guy, but having a small penis.
- Being sodomized by a priest as a kid.
I am not saying that these happened to my father, but I have heard that these can cause a person to be a violent, ignorant, sociopath later in life. Again, these are just theories. Except for the small penis. Unfortunately, I have seen it. Maybe he is a grower and not a shower, who knows, but I have seen larger peanuts.
Well, there you have maybe a quarter of a drop in my father's bucket of life.
Ralph Edward Lester, Convicted Felon